Broward College solicits articulation partnerships focused on advancing the educational opportunities 和 options available to BC students 和 graduates. Partnerships create seamless paths for students to transfer to another institution without experiencing a delay or duplication of coursework. Limited access programs may require additional admissions 和 prerequisite requirements.

The purpose of The Office of Transfer 和 Articulation Services is to help students realize their educational goals ensuring successful transfer from Broward College to a 4-year college or university.


An articulation agreement is a legal contract between Broward College 和 other institutions that outline the st和ards students must uphold while enrolled at Broward College 和 the courses they are required to complete at the transfer institution.

Transfer Spotlight

Are you ready to transfer to a university, but cannot decide? Read about our featured university 和 take advant年龄 of scholarship opportunities available to BC students!

Partnership University Transfer Fair Inquiry Form


Helios scholarship website


Transfer Services - General Inquiries:
Articulation Agreements: Michele Forbes-Gordon |
Partnerships 和 Transfer Fairs: Wendell Thomas Wilson |
Articulation Agreements: Dr. Quakish Williams-Liner |